Monday, February 1, 2010

2. Related Blog.

Of the numerous blogs that contain news and information about the development and application of open source ILS in contemporary library I decided to link to a blog called What I learned Today...
The blog is authored by Nicole Engard who describes herself as "an Open Source evangelist." I ran into Nicole at the KohaCon in Plano, TX last year (I sincerely doubt she remembers me). She was vivacious, very knowledgeable and always ready to answer questions. Her personality as well as enthusiasm toward open source implementation in the library settings comes across in her blog, which is full of practical information:

In addition to my Documentation Manager role for the Koha Community, I am also the Koha Newsletter Editor! That means that I gather together Koha related news and mash it all up into a newsletter format :) – Okay it’s a bit more than that.

Today marks the first official release of this newsletter. You can read the entire newsletter here and keep up with future newsletter releases here.

This first issue has a great table of contents thanks to all of the amazing community members:

If you have ideas for a future Koha newsletter, send it along to me (instructions on the newsletter site).

The blog "What I Learned Today..." was found using Google blog search engine

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